The rates of plastic surgery procedures continue to rise in the United States and across the globe. According to Forbes, nearly 11.36 million plastic surgery procedures were carried out worldwide in 2019. But as plastic surgery becomes more accessible and attainable to the average person, education surrounding these procedures must become more widespread.
You can't simply wake up one morning and decide to get a procedure, not safely or legally, anyway. If you're considering plastic surgery of any kind, you owe it to yourself to do plenty of research beforehand. You must give this decision thought and consideration to keep yourself safe. Here are just a few tips that plastic surgeons want you to know before you go under the knife.
While bargain-hunting is great when it comes to clothing or groceries, you should not apply the same penny-pinching tactics to medical procedures. Reputable plastic surgeons urge you not to look for the cheapest procedure available. Instead, take your time to find qualified and experienced professionals like our team at New Beginnings Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Take it from us that a botched procedure could present serious complications in the near or distant future. Not to mention, you may end up spending considerably more money on recovery efforts than you would've just spent on a quality procedure.
There's a saying among plastic surgeons' offices that "those who need surgery the most, will benefit from it the least." This essentially means that the more you noticeably need plastic surgery, the less of an impact it will make. Now, this doesn't mean that anyone is "beyond help." It's simply a reminder that starting earlier and opting for slight tweaking here and there will have a greater effect, rather than one larger procedure later in life.
It's true that a good cosmetic surgery can improve your confidence and overall attitude toward yourself. It gives you a boost of pride and satisfaction when you look in the mirror. But even the best plastic surgeons are not therapists. We cannot heal your internal wounds or address the root problems that caused your insecurities in the first place. Before you go under the knife, you should recognize that plastic surgery is a tool in your wellness toolbox, but it's not the entire picture. You still need to care for and attend to all the other areas of your health, both physical and mental.
Plastic surgery is a groundbreaking chance at a new beginning. Our plastic surgeons here at New Beginnings Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery want to help bring your goals to life. If this seems like a path for you, give us a call today to learn more about our services.
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